Contemplative Neurosciences Research

The effects of Meditation on Fibromyalgia

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Meditation has been shown to have benefits in many clinical disorders. An 8-week course in which women diagnosed with fibromyaliga are practicing mindfulness and meditation skills 5 days/week and meeting once/week for 2 hours, along with 1 full-day retreat at week 6 have shown benefits in attention, stress reduction, and emotion regulation.

David Vago and colleagues at the Utah Center for Exploring Mind-Body Interactions found that women diagnosed with fibromyalgia who went through an 8-week course of mindfulness and meditation training show decreased avoidance of, or attention away from, pain-related threatening words and show less interference from such words when performing an attention-demanding task. Check out the UCSD center for mindfulness blog about the study HERE and Brigham & Women’s Hospital Health Hub Blog HERE.

The article was recently published in Cognitive Therapy and Research [Link]

There is an article in MSN Health citing the study HERE.

Mindfulness Class led by Shirley Ray at Inner Light Center in SLC, UT

Mindfulness Class led by Shirley Ray at Inner Light Center in SLC, UT

One Response

  1. icarecafe says:

    the icarecafe would really like your help with a discussion on Fibromyalgia

    As you many know the icarecafe has been set up to provide a space for patients, carers and their supporters online.
    Some of the members have set up a discussion group on the subject of Fibromyagia. The group has asked lots of questions which are still in the process of being answered. So we thought it appropriate if we invited people from other Fibromyalgia discussion group and blogs to ask if they wished to participate.

    To have a look at the discussions so far please have a look at

    Please do feel free to join in the discussions and to post any information which might be of interest to our members.

    If you have any questions please feel free to get in touch. Iā€™m one of the moderators of the icarecafe and I can be contacted by sending and internal email to my profile.

    Thanks very much in advance for your help!

    Best wishes

    Belinda Shale
    Moderator ā€“ the icarecafe

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