Contemplative Neurosciences Research

Tag: happiness

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Economics are finally catching up to Happiness

Hi everyone, Just a short note about the economics of Happiness. The topic has been very popular lately, more so than previously apparently. The short story is that Happiness is good business. It’s good business for your body. It’s good business for your family. It’s good business for your boss. It’s good business for your…
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Happiness and the Brain

What makes us happy? Are there correlates in the brain? Can positive emotions like happiness find a place in rigorous scientific research? These were some of the questions addressed in the recent TV program, The Agenda with Steve Paikin. See description HERE. You can see the video stream HERE. Happiness and the Brain with Steve…
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The Science of Buddhist Meditation

The University of Liverpool is sponsoring an event concerning the science of Buddhist Meditation November 09, 2008. The Link is HERE. The abstract follows: Increasingly scientific investigations suggest that Buddhist meditators are happier, have improved cognitive abilities and that meditation practice leads to measurable changes in brain activity. Four experts from psychology, psychotherapy, neuroscience and…
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Matthieu Ricard: Habits of happiness (video)

Februrary, 2004 – Monterrey, CA – Matthieu talks about habits of Happiness [vodpod id=Groupvideo.1496997&w=425&h=350&] more about " Matthieu Ricard: Habits of happiness…", posted with vodpod Matthieu talks with ccare at Stanford University on Compassion: