Contemplative Neurosciences Research

Category: contemplative centers

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Contemplative Science & Mindfulness Meditation Centers Across the World

The following list includes Education, Dharma, and research-related centers across the world interested in mindfulness and meditation Contemplative & Mindfulness-related Resources (Centers and websites) 1. Mind and Life Institute [Link] 2. UMASS – center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society (JKZ) [Link] 3. UK Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy – [Link] 2. – A…
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Upaya – Zen Brain retreat provides great research on Mindfulness and Contemplative Practice

The Upaya Zen Center in Santa Fe, NM led by Roshi Joan Halifax continually provides access to top scientists discussing the latest research on mindfulness and contemplative practice. These series of lectures/dialogue provide insight into the effects of mindfulness practice on well-being and flourishing, emotion regulation and transformation. the podcasts see: I particularly liked…
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Training in Spiritual Care – NYC Zen Center for Contemplative Care and OM Yoga

The Co-Founders of the New York Zen Center for Contemplative Care, along with the Founder and Director of Teacher Development of OM yoga, are collaborating to bring you a year of rich training in contemplative care for those facing suffering, old age, sickness and death. This innovative new program is designed for yoga teachers who…
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Scientists’ Meditation Retreat at Spirit Rock

Spirit Rock is offering a Scientists’ Meditation Retreat in early 2009 from Sunday, January 11 – Sunday, January 18. This retreat is designed to introduce neuroscientists, cognitive scientists, psychologists, mental health practitioners and others who study the mind to ways in which mindfulness practice can inform their research. The faculty includes vipassana teachers Sylvia Boorstein,…
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Tibet House in Germany

The Tibet-Haus in Germany supports scientific, non-sectarian, research and scholarship throughout Europe and is a great resource for anybody interested in Buddhist or contemplative programs in Germany. Check it out HERE.