CNMB Lab, Nashville, TN

Tag: mindfulness

Brigham and Women's Hospital

Contemplative Science & Mindfulness Meditation Centers Across the World

The following list includes Education, Dharma, and research-related centers across the world interested in mindfulness and meditation Contemplative & Mindfulness-related Resources (Centers and websites) 1. Mind and Life Institute [Link] 2. UMASS – center for Mindfulness in Medicine, Health Care, and Society (JKZ) [Link] 3. UK Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy – [Link] 2. – A…
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Measures of Mindfulness (revisiting the problems of defining the concept)

As clinicians, researchers, and basic scientists, we are slowly operationalizing the concept of mindfulness. It is important that we consider the cultural context from which the term arises and clearly distinguish it from secular practices like: Progressive Muscle Relaxation (E.Jacobson) Relaxation Response (H.Benson) Biofeedback-induced relaxation Situational Awareness (E. Langer) These practices all involve: Cultivation of…
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Happiness and the Brain

What makes us happy? Are there correlates in the brain? Can positive emotions like happiness find a place in rigorous scientific research? These were some of the questions addressed in the recent TV program, The Agenda with Steve Paikin. See description HERE. You can see the video stream HERE. Happiness and the Brain with Steve…
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Measures of Mindfulness

In order of personal preference: 1. Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) [Link] – The FFMQ, revised from the Kentucky Inventory of Mindfulness Skills, is used to assess the construct of mindfulness. Previous research on assessment of mindfulness by self-report suggests that it may include five component skills: observing, describing, acting with awareness, nonjudging of inner…
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The effects of Meditation on Fibromyalgia

Meditation has been shown to have benefits in many clinical disorders. An 8-week course in which women diagnosed with fibromyaliga are practicing mindfulness and meditation skills 5 days/week and meeting once/week for 2 hours, along with 1 full-day retreat at week 6 have shown benefits in attention, stress reduction, and emotion regulation. David Vago and…
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